Octoprint url not working. Normal Camera and so on works fine.
Octoprint url not working Even if I go to the control tab of octoprint in the box that should contain the stream it says "webcam stream not loaded" and gives the link that is currently configured in the settings ( http . Not only that but if I edit the config. I've edited and added the -y . I can access the mainpage which gives links to video and snapshot links. g. If you just rush through, hit the snapshot test button without changing anything- it looks like it works as it captures a snapshot. Jun 25, 2019 · Timelapse Custom Snapshot URL doesn't work if Server gives no Content-type header #3207. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Jul 4, 2023 · The URL i used was in the following format: rtsp://username:password@MyIP/stream1 This worked fine in VLC and I could see the stream but when using the exact same URL in Octoremote it would not work. How to enable ESP32-webcam: Enter in the address field chrome://flags/ #block-Secure private network requests Jan 31, 2020 · Hi, I just enabled Octoprint and connecte a Logitech C905 to the USB port. I've been working on this for 2 days. I don´t know if the camera has an LED, but it doesn´t light up as well. version: 1. lan) Feb 5, 2023 · So, on the instance that is not working for viewing outside OctoPrint (but is working inside OctoPrint), please share: The address you use for accessing OctoPrint; The address you are trying to use to access the webcam; The configured 'stream URL' in OctoPrint's settings; That should get somewhere closer to finding the issue. mjpegstreamer is a common option. You would have to do additional software setup, and the URLs would depend on how you do that exactly. It doesn´t show up on stream. The octopi. I am also thinking of setting up an old laptop to image and work with the Pi. plugins. Have run raspi-config and enabled camera. You should try your strandtest. It might not be configured correctly or require authentication. Probably the easiest way is to ignore query parameters in your script for now, maybe it would be a 'simple' configuration change in the front-end control tab logic to not add that, I don't think Nov 27, 2021 · Thank you. I actually just Jun 29, 2023 · OctoPrint (& I suspect all 3rd party apps) don't support RTSP streams. Also tried to lower the resolution/framerate of the stream, but nothing helped. When I use the iPad app the cam works just fine but not on the website. What did you already try to solve it? Well a lot during 7 head Jul 2, 2020 · Hello, I´m setting up octoprint on a printer (Ender 3 Pro) for the first time. Sep 2, 2024 · Follow the prompt to restart OctoPrint. the snapshot comes up but the stream wont load. txt, reboot - webcam working again π Feb 4, 2023 · @drkpxl, If you used my script and the process from Pi Camera V3/IMX Chipset Based Cameras Not Working - #34 by lgeitner, it should "just work" on reboot. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Jan 9, 2024 · Camera model Arducam 5mp OV5647 camera What is the problem? I try to set the Pi up, but when I get to the camera setup, the stream URL doesn't work. I am wondering if something on my main computer is disrupting my trying to get the Pi working. Board is an Orange Pi PC I have tried these commands and get: lsusb 09: USB 00. TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am 78. Press the "Test" button next to it. Dec 26, 2020 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. I downloaded an app to scan for ip addresses because when i tried to use the ifconfig function it listed everything but the ip Mar 29, 2018 · EDIT: fixed I'm getting this in the Control tab with my Xbox 360 camera: Webcam stream not loaded It might not be correctly configured. Octoprint was working, webcam not. 5. The snapshot URL works fine, but the second I try to test the stream, nothing shows on Apr 21, 2021 · Question, I'm having a similar issue with the exception the URL doesn't work. I´ve read stuff about sudo raspi-config. What did you already try to solve it? Checking my /boot/octopi. Also, in the browser, they don't allow embedding the username & password in the URL as it is not secure, so even if it was mjpg, you wouldn't Nov 23, 2018 · Hi all ! What is the problem? The Camera stream not working My intuition is : I got a configuration problem or corrupted system files. Neither the stream nor the snapshot URL are working. What did you already try to solve it? I had a different problem before, but I troubleshooted using Aug 9, 2024 · New user here. ) Emerson_Jhones May 9, 2022, 8:33pm 6. Charlie_Powell September 28, 2021, May 2, 2021 · env. For the Streaming URL: image 708×176 6. Sep 20, 2018 · OctoPrint webcam is not working. Get Help. It won't work on you PC, because you didn't Feb 28, 2024 · What did you already try to solve it? Tried the stream in VLC (works) and in browsers (it works), so the stream is probably OK. I set everything up including wifi, the country, and everything else, but when i try to access via a browser it wont show up. Unless you are using the OctoPi image on a raspberry pi, forget any reference to octopi. However if I try to install OctoDash it breaks. If I enter the URL into Octoprint and use the test button, I see the stream. I had issues with the Pi Imager not creating my specified username and password. TechneCollab September 28, 2021, i did the same. In settings the snapshot test works ok but not the stream test. The Pi and the phone are in the same network Tried to restart it and use save mode, also not working. running a raspberry pi 3, raspberry pi camera v2. I'm on the latest Octopi. Everything works perfect, except for the camera. I recently set up octoprint on my Raspberry Pi 2 B+ so I can use it on my Creality Ender 3 V2. have already run apt get update and apt get upgrade before installing camera. I want to use the ESP32 Jan 5, 2022 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. Other symptoms: Installation of camera software is supposed to create /dev/video0 and Mar 6, 2021 · I believe that is to stop the browser caching the image. The Jul 5, 2023 · I'm Rather new to octoprint. I've found that the default stream url is Jan 18, 2024 · I try to set the Pi up, but when I get to the camera setup, the stream URL doesn't work. I think Snapshot and Embed URLs do not apply. org, it seems like it should be part of May 17, 2018 · I provided my screenshot from earlier. However, I don't see the stream in the UI anywhere? In screenshots on octoprint. You should get a better power supply. TechneCollab September 28, 2021, Jan 7, 2022 · The snapshot url on the other hand is meant for OctoPrint itself, not for your browser. Now it only shows "Webcam Stream Loading" on a black background. i always use my pie`s ip adress instead of octopi. 8. but the camera doesnt work, searched the whole Dec 26, 2021 · Camera model Original Raspberry Pi NOIR Camera Module V2. not just the information that something doesn't work so make sure to fill out all fields of the issue Jan 7, 2022 · The snapshot url on the other hand is meant for OctoPrint itself, not for your browser. πΊπ¦ We stand with Ukraine! πΊπ¦ OctoPrint Community Forum Aug 8, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. add a -y to the octopi. Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ) Octoprint version Version 1. 6. ( and restarted etc. Stream works in OctoEverywhere, FireFox, Chrome, Opera and OctoApp on android. Some OctoPrint plugins are known to have webcam compatibility issues. camera with login not working, when disable login its working well but I don't want to use open cam on the internet. I then found out it was a bug in the WebCam plugin, and had to wait for someone else to come up Sep 28, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. local because octopi. GAIVS October 1, 2021 Sep 24, 2021 · Thanks for this thread! I just moved my raspi4 from wifi to ethernet and had both ips still assigned and running. It says this site cant be reached. Closed LinoBarreca opened this issue Jun 25, 2019 · 11 Also make sure you are at the right place - this is the bug tracker of the official version of OctoPrint, not the Raspberry Pi image OctoPi nor any unbundled third party OctoPrint plugins or May 15, 2018 · I provided my screenshot from earlier. My octoprint version is Octopi 0. A list of compatible webcams can be found Jan 6, 2025 · everything is plugged in and im not sure what has to go in under the URL ; that i mentioned ive tried my ip ive tried defaults im not certain anymore whats causing the web cam to not work anyone that can help please Oct 1, 2021 · octoprint. Locate the "Snapshot URL" field. safe_mode: false octoprint. EDIT Also NOT working in OrcaSlicer I am using an ip webcam using ipCam app on iOS. can Sep 28, 2021 · Created an account just to like this comment because my webcam stopped streaming for some reason, and your comment helped bring the stream back! Apr 18, 2022 · So i just got a raspberry pi 3 b+ for octoprint for my FF Creator Pro2. Your Pi is power throttled and unstable, it is reporting undervoltage issues. 3 running on raspbian 9. Was working before. Connection = ok Temp readings are OK Stream is not working/ server is not running. If you don't have a webcam you can also just disable webcam support there. Oct 9, 2021 · Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ) OctoPrint version : 1. Click the "Webcam & Timelapse" tab. 2: 0000 Unclassified device [Created at usb. I ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade then i ran sudo-rapi-cofig and enabled Jul 23, 2020 · What is the problem? Raspberry camera not working What did you already try to solve it? Reboot Pi several times both with printer turned on and turned off. 2 Ohh yeah and the stream works fine with the Jan 28, 2025 · OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your printer and print jobs, right from your browser. Thank you. Added the dtoverlay=disable-wifi to /boot/config. Checked for camera enable in xwindows and it is enabled. Do you? OctoPrint does not handle the camera image, it only displays images served by another application. I happened to get a new Raspberry Pi kit with a different power supply, and was troubleshooting at my PC with the new power supply. log, syslog, dmesg, I had Octoprint working correctly with the above camera. Got this as a content type header: text/html Please double check that the URL is returning Sep 2, 2024 · Follow the prompt to restart OctoPrint. local as it's own LAN specific top level domain. Oct 1, 2021 · When clicking on the stream-URL (it is actually a link), another browser tab opens and shows the camera stream, which is proof that the camera responds at this URL. This should usually not be the case, but if it is and you can't get your home LAN setup differently (e. Worked on every start-up. ) May 12, 2022 · I'm not experienced at all with the Raspberry Pi, so I haven't tried much other than altering the stream URL in Octoprint to include the actual IP address of the Pi, but that made no change Logs (/var/log/webcamd. It seems any edit to config breaks the camera. it was working, deleted the url by accident, and now im in search for it. Things I've posted since then need to be manually updated, but I don't recommend it until you have the basics working. Mar 7, 2022 · I'm Rather new to octoprint. What is the problem? I am not able to configure the webcam in the setup wizzard. can Dec 4, 2023 · If the webcam is not working in the gateway, follow the appropriate troubleshooting steps for your platform. ) Feb 3, 2023 · @drkpxl, If you used my script and the process from Pi Camera V3/IMX Chipset Based Cameras Not Working - #34 by lgeitner, it should "just work" on reboot. Mar 2, 2024 · Camera model Logitech c270 What is the problem? My camera's web stream is not working. Troubleshooting camera not working for OctoPrint Verify that the webcam is correctly connected to the Raspberry Pi or whichever device you're using Check if the webcam is supported by OctoPrint. What did you already try to solve it? Tried changing/verifying the stream url - unsuccessfully. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Feb 18, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. I had May 28, 2024 · Here are the steps to diagnose OctoPrint webcam stream not loaded issues: Check OctoPrint Plugin Compatibility. Jul 23, 2021 · The plugin uses SPI to control the LEDs, not PWM (GPIO 18) which is available only when run as root, which is not how OctoPrint is run. Jan 26, 2022 · on a raspberry pi zero 2 w Camera : raspberry pi camera (B) Rev 2. Locate the "Stream Nov 29, 2021 · What URL are you trying to use as a snapshot URL? If the print is refusing to start this is usually an error from OctoLapse, so you should go and check it's settings. mjpg-streamer is working (I can stream it directly to my laptop). so the raspberry is cofigured right. May 8, 2022 · Webcam not working in control tab from a remote computer, but works if I put the address in a separate tab in the browser. txt. Webcam is a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema. πΊπ¦ We stand with Ukraine! πΊπ¦ OctoPrint Community Forum Octoprint was working, webcam not. Checked for camera log in Apr 17, 2020 · Hello, I use the aktuell Octoprint version on a Raspberry pi 3. local only faster. 7. Mar 6, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. The snapshot URL works fine, but the second I try to test the stream, … No, but for some reason when I connected to OctoPod on my phone yesterday, it Jan 7, 2022 · The snapshot url on the other hand is meant for OctoPrint itself, not for your browser. I was having a similar problem where the camera (USB Logitech C270) would work one day, and then fail to work on a reboot with no consistency. When I am now into OctoPrint Settings > Webcam, I am getting connected to the cam only partly. The Obico plugin, for example, Apr 21, 2021 · Question, I'm having a similar issue with the exception the URL doesn't work. Dec 14, 2018 · If OctoPrint's web interface appears to be non functional - it loads but the buttons don't appear to do anything, no terminal output or temperature updates are shown and things in general feel non-responsive - there can be several causes for this. 1) So far I've tested the webcam on another PC to make Apr 15, 2022 · Octoprint is running off a raspberry pi connected to my printer. i can print whatever i want. 1 is actually octopi. Jun 11, 2022 · I might try loading it with the Octoprint image and see if that works. The snapshot URL works fine, but the second I try to test the stream, nothing shows on the screen. If you don't have a webcam just set the URL to an empty value. Brad_Patterson September 20, 2018, 1:34am 1. It's a good idea to put that one back. Chrome blocked the Webcam URL, because of the CORS policy. ** **What did you already try to solve?: the test stream URL doesn't show a video. ") and it does not change. txt, reboot - webcam working again . 0 and now my WebCam doesn't work, again! What did you already try to solve it? Nothing, The last time this happened after an OctoPrint update I totally re-formated the SD card and started over from scratch. can Dec 21, 2020 · The streaming url is consumed by the computer that has the browser you use to access Cura. log, syslog, dmesg, no logs, no support) journalctl -u webcamd -- Logs Dec 3, 2021 · My webcam is: IP Webcam - Apps on Google Play The server says the URL is not valid and it doesn't start the print. Just dunno where yet. Jan 7, 2022 · The snapshot url on the other hand is meant for OctoPrint itself, not for your browser. Now tried to use my phone as Camera with the IP Camera App, the Stream is working perfect but if i try to use the Snapshot Url its not working. Everything is working fine, except for the webcam. One of my biggest problems is, that I don´t underrstand most of the tips from other threads. In Octoprint's Webcam settings, these have been working for me: Sep 28, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. firmware: Marlin Creality 3D The thing is, this setup was working fine for a long time. When accessing Octoprint via this setup, everything works fine, except I cannot view the webcam. 1 printer. Oct 1, 2021 · Camera model Separate Raspberry Pi running motionEye OS What is the problem? Octopi stopped showing the camera stream. 13 on a raspberry pi 2 B+ Jan 19, 2024 · I try to set the Pi up, but when I get to the camera setup, the stream URL doesn't work. I don't know of a way to stop it doing that, requests are open on GitHub to allow removing that but not implemented yet. It wasn't until I decided to add the touchscreen and Sep 28, 2021 · i did the same. Have you tried running in safe mode? No Did running in Feb 8, 2021 · This will only work if you home LAN is not set up to use . The snapshot url is consumed by the computer that is running OctoPrint. The webcam on control tab is working on the local Raspbian. You can change the URL of the stream under "Settings" > "Webcam & Timelapse" > "Stream URL". To test if the webcam is correctly configured in OctoPrint, Open OctoPrint settings page by clicking the wrench icon (π§). I ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade then i ran sudo-rapi-cofig and enabled the camera. Dec 26, 2020 · So I thought I'd pop in with my odd findings. Webcam stream not loaded. Currently Sep 12, 2019 · I'm Rather new to octoprint. TechneCollab September 28, 2021, You can change the URL of the stream under "Settings" > "Webcam & Timelapse" > "Webcam" > "Stream URL". local doesnt work in my network for some reason. Mar 14, 2019 · I cant get a usb camera working Old Pi ( model-1 ?) several usb-camera's tried Octopi is working. Another possible reason are Feb 11, 2023 · first I'm very new to most if not all of this. The Obico plugin, for example, Dec 30, 2018 · When I use the Test button next to the Stream URL setting, nothing ever appears in the dialogue box that it brings up. Problem was initial setup configuration- it asks you for a fully qualified snapshot URL. Oct 6, 2020 · Good day fine 3D printer folk! I am successfully utilizing Octoprint with my printer for a couple days now but am yet to figure out how to get the webcam stream up and running. i can open the url in the Apr 2, 2019 · What is the problem? I'm using my Ubuntu machine with OctoPrint and mjpg-streamer installed separately. I also tried to change Mar 5, 2021 · Octoprint was working, webcam not. I could Jan 25, 2021 · It's all working well and I just purchased a usb webcam but cannot get it to show the stream (I get the webcam stream not loaded). txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Oct 9, 2020 · That url will only work if you have a reverse proxy installed and configured. Relative urls will not work here, because on the Python side there is no notion of the address the rest of OctoPrint is accessed from. Normal Camera and so on works fine. 18. The computer running OctoPrint seems to have trouble resolving the https://mywebsite url. However, 1 out of 7 times the webcam randomly loads. txt to rotate my 7" screen (lcd_rotate=2) the camera breaks. Locate the "Stream URL" field. local version of that is useful if you remotely want to see what's going on without using OctoPrint to hand it to you. This helped me to solve the problem. One thing is a simple JavaScript error, possibly caused by one of your installed plugins. 0 with Octoprint 1. 13 on a raspberry pi 2 B+ Dec 4, 2023 · Camera model ipCam (iOS) What is the problem? Stream doesn't work in Edge browser. It was working flawlessly for the 1st 24 May 28, 2024 · Here are the steps to diagnose OctoPrint webcam stream not loaded issues: Check OctoPrint Plugin Compatibility. 3 KB. It reports this message: When I am on my local network Jun 25, 2019 · Error appears: "Could retrieve the snapshot URL, but it didn't look like an image. What is the problem? (F12) before you attempt to load the url and take a pic of the 'network' tab (if you are using FF)? Jan 25, 2021 · What is the problem? Stream doesn't load. In this context, 127. throttle_state: 0x50005. 4 OctoPi version : 0. What did you already try to solve it? Checked Google Deactivated and re-activated webcam support Logs (/var/log/webcamd. I don´t know where Dec 19, 2018 · nah mate you are reading it wrong, everything works except the webcam stream, it keeps loading, doesnt show any image at all. by switching to . In Octoprint's Webcam settings, these have been working for me: Jan 7, 2020 · Although I use Raspberry Pi's in my everyday life (VPN, USB sharing etc) it's been a long time since I've needed to use raspi-config to configure one, at 67 years of age my memory isn't so good , however, when my first install of Octopi didn't show the stream from my Logitech C615 webcam, I remembered there was a setting for the webcam in raspi-config, so it was the Apr 27, 2021 · Raspberry Pi 3B+ *I just updated OctoPrint to version 1. pi_support. Nov 6, 2021 · What is the problem? I'm using octoprint on windows. Dec 27, 2020 · That is not supported out of the box. 122] Unique ID: May 3, 2022 · However the same link works in the browser on both the local machine running octoprint and on a remote machine on the same network accessing octoprint. . 0 **What is the problem?: The camera is connected and the LED on It is on but on the web page, it's printing ("webcam stream loading. py example with GPIO 10, please note that this requires the additional setup steps outlined such as enabling SPI and setting it to the right frequency. txt, reboot - webcam working again TechneCollab September 28, 2021, 7:37am Sep 28, 2021 · The webcam stream via the web frontend worked 2 months ago. It was working 5 minutes ago, then froze. I followed the instructions and do see camera in octoprint. Mar 29, 2022 · Hello everybody! I hope you're all doing well. Snapshot works. I am not really sure, but I think the problem occured after updating OctoPi. It needs to be a "fully qualified" url that the Python side of OctoPrint can access to record a timelapse. Digest or Bearer Token based credentials for the webcam snapshot URL. txt file. I couldn't get snapshot to work from my Win 11 PC, so octoprint time lapse didn't work. 0. How are you accessing OctoPrint (what URL etc. ) The 'snapshot URL says 'not OK' I've ssh' d my pi and outcome is: lsusb Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04fc:0561 Sunplus Technology Jan 25, 2021 · What is the problem? Stream doesn't load. txt file (camera_usb_options="-r Sep 12, 2019 · I'm Rather new to octoprint. It was working flawlessly for the 1st 24 hours. (I turn off the OctoPrint octopus watermark on mine since I publish my videos. Especially when you don't understand how URL's really work. kad walm qczdp yrxjn wjw pkxfnv kpqedtaa qcr nmwdaw mcdz lqzgfh kgmta jgrb rjpr puaoua